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Friday 2 September 2016

Keep on toe for better health, Lifestyle while caring Health

A number of dietary habits and lifestyle factors can affect on health
Sugar consumption. “Having a sugar-laden diet will contribute to tooth decay and gum problems, as the bacteria in the mouth thrive in this environment,” producing tooth and gum-destroying enzymes and acids.
Smoking. Dental care experts have long known that smoking cigarettes and cigars and using tobacco products can cause periodontal disease (gum disease), tooth decay, and oral cancer. Cigars can also cause periodontal disease and throat, or pharyngeal, cancer. “The smoke from tobacco has a toxic effect on gum tissue, and can interfere with blood flow,” Price explains. “Smoking also stains the heck out of teeth, is a direct cause of oral cancer, and can contribute to bad breath.”
·         Drinking alcohol. “Drinking can contribute to oral problems indirectly by resulting in a dehydrated mouth, which can allow bacteria to run rampant,” research says, people who have alcohol addiction issues are probably less likely to consistently follow good dental care habits.
·         Changes in weight. For those who wear dentures, changes in body weight tend to affect the way dentures fit, research says. “Just as weight gain or loss affects the way clothes fit, that gain or loss also affects the gum pads on which dentures rest. To help maintain a healthy weight and fight tooth decay, advises people to eat a diet rich in high-fiber fruits and vegetables.
·         Medication. “Some medications, for example, some antibiotics, can cause internal staining of teeth, such as tetracycline staining, depending on the age at which you take them. Also, there are 200 to 400 medications, prescribed or over-the-counter, that have the side effect of drying up saliva. A dry mouth is more prone to gum disease and tooth decay, as well as bad breath.”
Healthy Mouth, Healthy Body
To maintain your oral health — and overall good health, you should see your dentist regularly to head off any problems early. You should also practice good oral hygiene at home by carefully brushing and flossing your teeth regularly in order to prevent plaque from accumulating and causing problems. There is nothing a dentist can do that a patient can’t undo by neglecting their dental care.

Toothbrush Tips to Keep Your Teeth in Shape

Brushing your teeth seems easy enough. But some toothbrushes are better than others and there is a right and wrong way to brush your teeth.

Brushing your teeth regularly is the key to maintaining healthy teeth and gums and preventing periodontal (gum) diseases, but it's also important to make sure you choose the right toothbrush for your teeth and use proper brushing techniques. Brushing your teeth at least twice a day — in the morning and in the evening before going to bed, for at least three minutes — can help ensure long-term dental health.

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