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Thursday 22 September 2016

Root of Bad Breath and solution to get rid of it


Good dental hygiene should help you clear up a bad case of halitosis. But what's causing your stinky breath in the first place? If you're constantly popping mints or chewing gum to cover up bad breath, you're not alone.

Why? Most cases of halitosis are caused by improper dental hygiene. If you don't brush and floss your teeth after every meal, bits of food that get stuck in your teeth and gums and on your tongue will begin to decay and emit foul odors.
An unclean mouth also means that bacteria can grow, potentially leading to gum disease, which is also one of the causes of bad breath. In addition, certain foods and drink are more likely to cause bad breath, including:
·         Garlic
·         Onions
·         Cheese
·         Orange juice
·         Soda, including diet varieties
After these foods or drinks are digested, their oils make their way into your bloodstream and are then carried into your lungs. The odor is then released through your breath.

Other Causes of Bad Breath
Aside from what you eat and drink, bad breath can also be linked to:
·         A dry mouth. Saliva is your mouth's natural cleanser, so when your mouth is dry, dead cells can build up, which is what causes morning breath. This is an even bigger problem if you sleep with your mouth open. Smoking and certain medications can also cause dry mouth. In more extreme cases, you could have a problem with your salivary glands that leaves your mouth unusually dry.
·         Chronic diseases. Sometimes underlying health conditions can cause bad breath. Lung infections, cancers, kidney or liver failure, diabetes, and gastroesophageal reflux disease, for example, are all associated with halitosis.
·         Respiratory, mouth, throat, and nose conditions. These conditions are also often associated with bad breath. For example, discharge from a sinus infection is known to cause bad breath. If you have an upper respiratory infection such as bronchitis, the sputum coughed up can also cause halitosis.
·         Tobacco products, particularly smoking. Tobacco products can dry your mouth and result in bad breath. People who use tobacco are also at greater risk of developing gum disease, poor general oral health, and oral cancers.

Malnutrition. Starvation or intense dieting can result in bad breath due to ketoacidosis, which is a breakdown of chemicals that occurs during fasting.

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